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国内英语新闻:Malawi hails China, UNDP for nation’s disaster risk management and development

LILONGWE, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) — Malawi Vice President Everton Herbert Chimulirenji has hailed the Chinese government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their efforts in the implementation of disaster risk management and development programs in the country.

Chimulirenji who is also the country’s minister responsible for disaster management affairs, made the remarks Friday to appreciate the flood-mitigating structures implemented with financial support from China, UNDP and the Malawi Government under the Small Grants Scheme.

"Government of the People’s Republic of China and the UNDP are friends in need to the Malawi Government in as far as the implementation of Disaster Risk Management and developmental programmes are concerned," Chimulirenji was quoted as saying by the Malawi News Agency (MANA).

"Malawi government appreciates the support it gets from China and UNDP and prays that it continues for the benefit of the marginalized and the most vulnerable," he said.

Chinese Ambassador to Malawi, Liu Hongyang, pledged his government’s continued support to Malawi in partnership with other development partners to contribute to disaster risk reduction efforts.

UNDP Resident Representative Shigeki Komatsubara said his organization would remain committed to supporting disaster risk reduction programmes in Malawi and that it would construct five additional evacuation centers in the country, MANA reported.

Malawi has for the past five years experienced various forms of disasters including floods that have over the years seen people displaced and crops washed away.

Upon President Mutharika’s call for support from local and international organizations and countries, the country has received enormous support in various forms from various organizations and countries.

The government of China and the Chinese community in Malawi has always responded to President Mutharika’s calls for support by donating in cash and kind.

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