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  北海公园,中国古代皇家园林。 位于北京城内景山西侧 ,与中海、南海合称三海。下面是小编为大家带来的北海公园英语导游词范本,希望可以帮助大家。


  Hello and welcome to the north sea park visit tour. You must have heard of "let us once more sculls again" the popular song! Song is people went boating on the north sea.

  Beihai park was built in the liao dynasty, dating back nearly one thousand years of history, is existing in our country the most glorious, preserves one of most complete imperial garden, is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Beihai park covers an area of 69 hectares, of which there are 39 hectares of water surface, is mainly composed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot. Its scenery is both momentum and graceful and restrained.

  Beihai park is the most famous is the white pagoda. White tower is located in the center of the jade island, was built in the qing shunzhi eight years (in 1651), is the most significant building beihai park. It is a Tibetan lama tower, 35.9 meters high, from Kentucky, tower, treasure of three parts, it is the relics, lama scripture, and the mantle, with the "wave"). You see, in the set off of blue sky, towering pagoda is particularly dignified and beautiful, is the symbol of beihai park.

  Beihai park there is a famous poem, it is to use yellow, purple, white, blue, red, green, and blue seven colour of masonry, a total of 635 dragon. China is now only three nine dragon screen, only the north sea is the double dragon, is one of the most beautiful one of the three nine dragon screen.

  Numerous beihai park landscape, I said, let us sing at the same time, while walking slowly to visit beihai park! "Let us once more, paddle ship on the small waves, the sea reflects the beauty of the white tower, surrounded by green trees and red walls..."


  The north sea is located in the central area of this city, and there is a bridge between zhongnanhai, a total area of 1063 mu, which accounted for more than half of the water, is China's oldest existing, the most complete imperial garden. Its richly colorful cultural relics, unique style of landscape art, beautiful beautiful lakes and mountains and renowned Chinese and foreign, visitors to visit here ten million visitors each year.

  The construction of the north sea is the result of an ancient myth: it is said that on the vastness of the east China sea, there are three fairmount called penglai, yingzhou, the abbot; Immortal gods lived on the hill. After qin shi huang unified China, the alchemist chui fook are sent to the east China sea looking for medicine, but found nothing. In the han dynasty, the emperor also dreaming of immortal, can find there is still no results, then ordered in changan north dug a big pool, "too liquid pool", three rockery pool pile up, respectively in penglai, guangling chau, named abbot three fairmount. Since then, successive emperors like follow "a pool of three mountains" in the form of a royal building today. Is this form - the north sea to the north sea symbol "too liquid pool", "jade island" is the penglai, the original in the water "TuanCheng" and "rhinoceros hill station" is symbol of yingzhou and the abbot. Garden has a "lu gong cave", "immortal temples", "fairy bearing dew copper plate" and many other relics of pursuing immortality.


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