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香港人恐惧“蝗虫” Hong Konger is Upset Abou

2023-05-01 18:55港人 蝗虫 amp 恐惧 Konger

We still can remember how happy we were when Hong Kong finally reunited with the motherland, and we all believe that Hong Kong’s return has had a good beginning and Hong Kong’s future will be even brighter. However, things are not going like what we image about. The fight between Hong Kong people and mainland people is more and more fierce. The main point is that Hong Kong people are not happy to see the mainland people use their resource without paying any tax.


Hong Kong people called the people who go to Hong Kong and enjoy a high social welfare “locust”, we can see that literary, Hong Kong people worry about that mainland people will “eat” too much their welfare, just like a locust, and left less or nothing for them. What’s worse, for instance, if a mainland pregnant woman having baby in Hong Kong, then her baby are going to enjoy the high Hong Kong social welfare, like they can go to Hong Kong’s school, receive a better education, and the medical insurance, which are all better than mainland’s level. What makes the Hong Konger upset about is that they enjoy this welfare without paying any tax, that’s really bothering them.


To addition, as the Hong Kong Permit is easier than before, more and more people are attending to go to Hong Kong to settle down or travel. And some mainland people’s behavior has start a controversy, their uncivilized behavior makes them more obnoxious to Hong Kong people. For example, mainland people eat in subway, litter everywhere. We cannot blame Hong Kong people by that; after all we lower their city quality.


To sum up, Chinese government could introduce relevant policy to balance the welfare between Hong Kong and mainland people, and mainland people who go to Hong Kong should pay attention to their behavior. Hong Kong reunited with motherland is not easy; we should not break our relationship for that.



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