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A Farm-一个农场

2022-04-27 23:18农场 一个 Farm

        This is a diagram of a farm. The arrow marks north. The farm lies in the west of the city, one hour away by train from the city center. The farm is 1.5 miles wide and 2 miles long. The office building stands in the center of the farm. To the left of the building is a chicken house and to the right a garage. There is a garden in front of the building and a playground behind it. A wheat field in the north takes up half the farm, and a corn field in the south takes up the other half. There is a well near the corn field and a small reservoir beside the wheat field. Trees are planted around the farm to prevent the crops from being blown down by strong winds.
        这是一个农场的示意图。箭头指向北。农场位于城市西边,从市中心乘火车一小时到达。农场宽1.5英里,长2英里。农场中 间矗立着办公楼。楼的左侧是鸡舍,右侧是车库。楼前有一个花园,楼后是运动场。北面的小麦田占农场的一半,南面的一半是玉米田。玉米 田边有一口井,小麦田边有一个水库。农场四周种植了树木,以防庄稼被大风吹倒。
        A farm is shown in the diagram. The arrow points to north. The farm lies in the west of the city. It is one hour away by train from the city center.It is 1.5 miles from east to west, 2 miles from north to south. In the middle there is an office building. To the west of the building is a chicken house and to the east is a garage. There is a beautiful garden in front of the building and a playground behind it. A wheat field takes up half the farm in the north, while the southern half of the farm is a corn field. There is a reservoir beside the wheat field, and a well is near the corn field, both of which make it easier to water the crops. Around the farm many trees are planted to protect the crops from strong winds.
        示意图上是一个农场。箭头指向北。农场位于城市西边。从市中心乘火车一小时到达。农场东 西宽1.5英里,南北长2英里。农场中间有一幢办公楼。楼的西边是鸡舍,东边是车库。楼前有一个漂亮的花园,楼后是运动场。小麦田占了农 场北面的一半,农场的南半部是玉米田。小麦田边有一个水库,玉米田附近有一口井,这些方便了庄稼的灌溉。农场四周种植了许多树木,以 保护庄稼免受大风吹袭。


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