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文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution happened in China in the 20th century, which had a great effect on Chinese history. Some people think that it was a necessary difficult stage in China’s development, while others think it was solely a hindrance. In my opinion, I agree with the latter idea according to the consequence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution brought about that did harm to the education area, hinder the economy and created social conflicts.


First of all, it was harmful to the education area. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, textbooks were forced to hand in at first and then some teachers were punished. For that reason, the school at that time had fewer and fewer teachers. As a result, schools were lack of books and teachers. Therefore, the education for students was totally affected by that revolution. In addition, some people, like teachers who were full of knowledge, were sent to some poor area to do labor work. In other words, it’s a means of wasting education resources.


Secondly, it hindered the development of Chinese economy. At that time, government’s energy was extremely limited. When they were busy with the Cultural Revolution, they didn’t have enough time to develop economy. Besides, with the influence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, many factories were closed. It’s certain that the economy was stopped or drew back. The last but not least is that it made the society appear more conflicts. It’s obvious that during the revolution China was totally a mess. Every person was afraid of being scolded by no reason and the government itself also had appeared many conflicts. Many inner contradictions appeared at that moment.


In general, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution had so many bad effects on the whole China, like on the education area, Chinese economy development and social conflicts, so I think the Cultural Revolution should not happen, because it’s not necessary. 




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