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国内英语新闻:HK people urged to stop violence and chaos, bring back order

2019-08-19 15:51英语 violence 国内 people chaos

BEIJING, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — A spokesperson on Tuesday urged people in Hong Kong to stop the violence and chaos and bring back order.

It is the immediate task facing all Hong Kong residents, which is very clear given the severe state of affairs in the region today, said Yang Guang, spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, at a press conference.

Yang called on people in Hong Kong to stand firm and guard their beautiful homeland, stressing that now is the crucial moment.

"Here we sincerely hope the compatriots in Hong Kong will think calmly about the questions: Who will suffer if the situation becomes irremediable, and who will benefit in the end?"

All departments and organs of Hong Kong should never be soft on violent violations of the law, Yang stressed.

Reiterating the central government‘s unswerving support for Chief Executive Carrie Lam, the spokesperson said the opposition’s attempt to force her to resign is doomed to fail.

"We hope that the people of Hong Kong understand the nature of the current situation and firmly support Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Carrie Lam in leading the HKSAR government’s law-based governance, the Hong Kong police in enforcing laws rigorously and departments of the HKSAR government and the judiciary body in punishing violent criminals in accordance with the law," Yang said.

He then made it clear to "the very small group of unscrupulous and violent criminals and the dirty forces behind them" that those who play with fire will perish by it, and that whoever participates in violent and criminal activities would be held accountable according to the law.

"All in all, the fate of Hong Kong will be decided by all Chinese people including Hong Kong compatriots," Yang added.

Xu Luying, also a spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, said the violence and conflict that transpired recently in Hong Kong were, in essence, manipulated behind the scenes by elements who aim to destabilize and damage Hong Kong.

They use young people as the "chess pieces" and "cannon fodder" for their political schemes, Xu said, noting that more and more young people will see their true colors, realize the errors and turn back from the wrong path.

Acknowledging that young people in Hong Kong do face many difficulties growing up, Xu said that these can not be resolved through violence or law-breaking.

"We advise those young people who have participated in the protests or even some violent conflicts to stop and return to the correct path of law and order," Xu said.

Yang said that the deteriorating situation in Hong Kong is linked to the irresponsible remarks concocted by some western politicians.

"Hong Kong is part of China. Interference into the Hong Kong affairs by any foreign countries should not be allowed," he said.

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